Anxiety and Stress Management

Stress and anxiety are common experiences for college students. People experiencing stress may have physical and mental symptoms such as fatigue, anger, irritability, and disruptions to appetite and sleep. Anxiety, by contrast, is marked by persistent, excessive worry, often accompanied by physical symptoms, that does not go away even in the absence of a stressor.

Symptoms associated with Experiencing Anxiety


  • Impaired Concentration
  • Chronic Worrying
  • Trouble with remembering things, such as homework assignments or deadlines
  • Anxious thoughts or feelings
  • Reduced or impaired judgment
  • Panic Attacks


  • Less than normal patience
  • Feeling of being overwhelmed
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Loneliness or feelings of isolation
  • More frequent or extreme pessimism


  • Change in eating or sleeping habits
  • Repetitive physical movements, like pacing or nail-biting
  • Significant change in school or work performance

Generalized Ill Health associated with Prolonged Anxiety

  • Fatigue
  • Problems with Sleep
  • Frequent bouts of unexplained physical illness

If you would like to speak to a counselor about how to manage your anxiety and stress, please reach out to us to make an appointment. You may also be interested in learning more about Reclaim, a six-week skills group we offer to help students learn practical strategies for coping with anxiety.

The resources below offer tips and guidance for coping with anxiety and stress.



Coping With Overwhelming Feelings
Build an individualized coping plan for the next time you become overwhelmed.

Stress and Anxiety
10 helpful stress and anxiety management techniques to help you cope.

Managing Test Anxiety
Tips on how to reduce and manage test anxiety. Includes strategies to use before and during your exams to help you overcome test anxiety. Feeling Anxious
Half of Us is an initiative of mtvU and The Jed Foundation to raise awareness about the prevalence of mental health issues on campus and connect students to the appropriate resources to get help.

Dealing with Anxiety as a College Student


Keys To Stress Management
Learn about stress, how to recognize the signs that you’re stressed, and identify effective ways to manage and cope with stress.

End Of Semester Stress
Tips to make it through the end of the semester stress that comes with finals or other high-stress moments in your life!

Managing Stress by Brainsmart
This short video helps explain how stress works and provides some helpful tips to manage stress.

Nutrition And Stress
Combat anxiety and stress with good nutrition.


Online Relaxation Exercises - Audio Files Only provides helpful information about the benefits of relaxation exercises and provides a variety of different relaxation exercises to try!

Meditation Guidance Website provides guided sessions with your choice of scenery and music. Available online and as a mobile app.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise
From - This relaxation exercise involves gradually tensing and relaxing muscles throughout your body.

Sleep Guide and Sleep Hygiene
Provides information on the importance of sleep and how to get back into a regular sleep routine.

Mini Relaxation Exercises